Have They No Shame?
As DarkSyd writes of the AARP members:
"This is the greatest generation of Americans to have lived since the Civil War or the American Revolution, and one of the greatest generations of people to have lived in all of recorded history. [snip]
"For those of you who would like to send your Representative an e-mail or letter telling them what you think about this, and how you're going to vote and contribute money going forward if this disgusting immoral practice continues, here's an online list of Congressmen you can look up by state or, however. Senator look up. US House look-up.
President George Bush's e-mail is President@whitehouse.gov. And the Vice President's e-mail is Vice.president@whitehouse.gov.
Sound off if you're with me Blogosphere, from the patriotic left, the patriotic right, and the middle ground.
Let them know how you feel, and where you'll be directing your votes and your dollars if they don't slap this down loudly and publicly in the next 24 hours."