Marriage is love.

Saturday, March 19, 2005

MichiganGov. Jennifer Granholm seeks faith-based aid to needy

Indianapolis Star:

LANSING, Mich. -- Gov. Jennifer Granholm has created an office of community and faith-based initiatives, saying she wants state government to work with religious groups to help the needy.

The Democrat announced the new office this week, with the goal of enlisting religious organizations to recruit mentors for foster children, provide lower-cost prescription drugs and fight substance abuse.

"Our lives on Earth are not about those with the most cars, but those with the most compassion," said Granholm, a Roman Catholic, in addressing a state-sponsored symposium on faith-based programs.

The American Civil Liberties Union says the initiative could promote religion and violate the federal and state constitutions.

Kary Moss, executive director of the ACLU of Michigan, called the office a "potential minefield" because the state will have difficulty knowing whether some faith-based groups discriminate in hiring on grounds such as religion or sexual orientation.
