Marriage is love.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Asia Heads List of Exploited Labor Says U.N. Report

Ya know, I guess this is why Walmart sells its stuff so cheaply - I guess I find it hard to see how the "Murkans" in the midwest feel so patriotic yet spend their paltry pay at the Walmart every week, where their savings come from the sweat and abuse of forced laborers in Asia...

From World Press Review:

Workers unload sacks of rice from a truck in the outskirts of Yangon, the capital city of Myanmar. (Photo: Law Eh Soe / AFP-Getty Images)

Over three-quarters of the 12 million people worldwide who are exploited in
forced labor conditions are in Asia, according to a comprehensive global report
released last week by United Nations social justice and work rights agency the
International Labour Organization (I.L.O.).

Defining forced labor as “work extracted under threat and against a
person’s will,” the report has assessed the Asia and Pacific region as heading
the worldwide list with 9.5 million people. Latin America follows with 1.3
million, Sub-Saharan Africa with 660,000 and Europe and the United States with

Total global profits earned from the exploitation of men, women and
children have been calculated as being $32 billion, the first time such an
estimate of the illicit industry has been made.

The rest of the article is HERE...

Interesting that in Europe and the US there are 360,000 considered to be in "forced labor" situations...must be the Main Stream Media being "forced" to spew the propaganda of BushCo...
