Marriage is love.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Religious Schools Train Lawyers for Culture Wars

I heard this on NPR Morning Edition yesterday and remembered to look it up and do a little research. NONE of the 3 law schools in the NPR profile are in the US News Top 100. Most of the law schools listed below are affiliated with the Roman Catholic Church, but Cardozo is affiliated with an Orthodox Jewish university. I'm sure there are more law schools on the Top 100 list with a loose religious affiliation. These schools, of course, aren't conservative enough or don't have the "right" brand of religion for the Liberty/Ave Maria/Regent folks.

- Holly

NPR Morning Edition: Religious Schools Train Lawyers for Culture Wars

As religious conservatives take the culture wars to the courtroom, some religious leaders, including Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, have set up schools to train their own battalion of lawyers.

Web Extra: Q&A: 'God on the Quad'


US News Top 100 Law Schools:
Some schools with definite religious affiliations on this list:
24. University of Notre Dame (IN)
27. Boston College
27. Fordham University (NY)
35. Brigham Young University (J. Reuben Clark) (UT)
52. Baylor University (TX)
52. Southern Methodist University (TX)
58. Cardozo-Yeshiva University (NY)
58. Loyola Law School (CA)
63. Villanova University (PA)
69. Loyola University Chicago
77. St. John's University (NY)
83. Seton Hall University (NJ)
85. Catholic University of America (DC)

I need to look into this a bit further but I'll bet that the case discussed involving violation of the rights of a jobseeker who needed several days off for a religious holiday centers around an observant Jew, probably one who is Orthodox.
